In today’s age, there is a need for authenticity and showing your relatability. Now that media is decentralized, performance has taken a new form. While many believe they are rebelling against the idea of “Superficiality” in favor of the “Authentic”, I would argue that while “Authentic” content has it’s space as a means to keep us together as a community and share our various ways of living, it is also detrimental in the sense that whether the performer intends to or not, they are scripting a narrative that will not mirror their “Authentic” stance. This is not only for media, the same goes for real time as well. No matter how close you are to someone, you and that person alone have a special narrative that no one else share and more often than not, not even with each other.

I am advocating for performance because I’ve realized it is the default way of living. For me personally, I aim to be free with my script and narrative and give myself the freedom to be whoever I want at any second. Many of us are stuck in characters scripted by others and invisible societal expectations, but even though we are fated to role play, we also have the power to direct.