Everyone has experienced the phenomenon of deep resistance to get up from bed, only to find that once up, it was easier than anticipated, but despite this realization, the resistance continues to fool us. I was resisting writing this diary entry and I was ready to share some lyrics I’ve been writing because I was not in the mood to write something new, but I decided not to be a slave to the resistance and write.

As I’m writing this, this sentence currently, I’m feeling the resistance leaving my body, I am currently excited to write this diary entry and the words are freely coming out. Almost 10 minutes ago, I was dreading this exact moment, and it’s not like I wanted to do anything better, I just didn’t want to have to go through the initial mind maze.

So for this entry, I am advocating for challenging feelings and not taking them at face value. Separating sensation and thought has become a valuable meditative practice for me and it’s moment like this where I’m thankful for it’s benefits.