Every now and then, I will go on Twitter or X and find someone complaining about sex scenes or nudity in a film, deeming them unnecessary. I like to imagine a future where a sex scene or nudity in a film is viewed in the same light as a mundane shot of nature or the everyday. However, because we’ve made nudity and sex taboo, reactions remain polarizing, no matter how they are presented.

Censorship does not work. People will find what they need because curiosity is strong, and you can’t censor the obvious for too long. It’s not just visual censorship; it’s embedded in our education, religions, and way of life. We’ve accepted it as the norm, along with all the consequences that come with censorship; The only solution often presented is even more censorship.

Addressing the problem at its root would bring uncomfortable conversations and situations to the table as a society. However, I believe the first step is to quit villainizing nudity and sex. I advocate for unnecessary sex scenes because I believe that if nudity and sex were presented nonchalantly in life, we’d have a healthier and more evolved approach to physical attraction and desire.